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Choisis ton mode d'accompagnement

Merci de compléter ce formulaire.

Suite la réception du formulaire, je prendrai contact avec toi dans les plus brefs délais pour organiser le tout.


Au plaisir de nous connecter très bientôt pour entamer ce voyage ensemble !

🇫🇷 Guidance Kareb (Instagram) 2.png
Comment puis-je t'accompagner ?
Quel jour correspond le mieux à tes disponibilités ? (tu peux en choisir plusieurs)
Quel moment correspond le mieux à tes disponibilités ? (tu peux en choisir plusieurs)

Refund and Cancellation Policy

If you choose to cancel your participation in the March 2021 cohort of the HTT Program  / Programme HDA, we will reimburse you the registration fees without any questions under the following conditions:

  • 100% of the amount paid can be refunded before September 13th, 2021

  • No refund after the start of the Program, i.e. from September 13th, 2021

  • Beyond September 13th, 2021, if you were obliged to interrupt your training during the program for reasons beyond your control, you would then be able to continue the Program within the next cohort, in starting again in the week and in the block corresponding to the time of your stop, and this at no additional cost.

In the event that the HDA Institute is obliged to cancel the Program for any reason whatsoever, you will be reimbursed in proportion to the number of weeks that have been completed (if applicable).


À l'Institut HDA, nous offrons la possibilité de payer par Paypal ou par Virement Interac


  • This service is not an "oracle" or "clairvoyance". It is part of the continuity of our mandate to make you autonomous in consolidating your connection with your Essence in order to help you deploy it in concrete actions in your daily life.

  • We do not do therapy and at no time can this service replace a therapeutic process or the taking of prescribed medication. If the exercise proposed during the channeling session elicits strong emotions, physical symptoms or other, we recommend that you call on the appropriate professional resources to investigate and resolve these issues.

  • We do not hold the truth and we stand for your full autonomy and responsibility - at all times it is essential that you listen to yourself and act according to what is most beneficial for you, your well-being and your health .

“WOW! I have never experienced this. It is UNIQUE.

There is nothing that looks like this. "

“I LOVE your approach!I have seen it nowhere else and experienced things from it. "

"Do you realize what you're doing?" IT'S BREATHTAKING! The way you guide us, the right words… a journey that transforms. "

“You get people to TAKE BACK THEIR POWER. I did not expect that. WOW! "

"You THROW me to the ground.
I'm on the ass! "

"I really didn't think I was going there ...


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© Copyright 2025 | Marc Babin - Institut HDA

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